Sunday, 14 November 2010

Concept: Retro-Futuristic London, Hyde Park

Here is another concept for the Narrative project, depicting the great retro-futuristic metropolis, in this place specifically one of many pods will  crash-land and wreak havoc in such a peaceful and technological advanced place.
For this concept I used one photograph taken by me, in one of the many trips to the English Capital, to adjust it to fit I had to crop it and change some fore and background elements. Overall I think I succeed in conveying the huge area where the pod will land and the Invisible cannibals will come out.  

Here is the final concept:

Also the WIPS for the same concept, where you can seethe progress done and what more or less I had to change from the original picture.

Alongside this concept, I am also posting the original picture, so it can be seen the difference between both. 


  1. This look great!

    Quick question. How many more environment paintings are there left to do?

    Because I'm thinking that you may need to model at least one character to help lighten the load. Even Alan has said that seven characters is an awful lot to do.

    Well we can discuss it later, more importantly we need drawings of the other characters, but they seem to be taking a long time to surface. hmmm...

  2. Hi ethan!
    I have only one more which is the lab, anyway planning to get that painted today, despite being my birthday.

    And yes, im more than happy to model any characters to soften the load.
    I do think the set modeling wont be as long to finish only in the end of the week.

  3. It's your birthday? Why didn't you say so!
    Eh hem... All together now!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday to Ruben!

    Happy birthday to you!

    And as a present, I'm giving you a character of your choice to model, texture, rig!

    Ok. embarrassment over!

    Oh just another thing, I'm on Skype.

  4. hahaha thanks ethan!

    being lazy so far, enjoying the day and then finish the concept painting of the lab later

    Ok I choose the spaceman to model is tht okay?.... joking!!
    I choose one tomorrow at uni.

    And we will share skype accounts also.
