The day of the invisible cannibals from beyond the stars
Project by B3D Studios
Ruben, Ethan, Chris and Shahbir
Set in the year 2000 from a 1950’s perspective, this film is based around the invasion of an alien infection which changes mankind into invisible cannibals.
The space station adventurer has been struck by a mysterious meteorite shower which causes havoc amongst the crew of astronauts as they struggle to escape a certain death. As they attempt to escape they are exposed to an unknown alien virus from the meteor which mutates them into carnivorous, man eating monsters who vanish from sight.
The astronauts in a last attempt for their survival eject themselves in space pods, which crash into the Earths atmosphere and spread themselves out to different parts of the world. We follow one which manages to barely gain control, yet still crashing into the suburbs of a busy City. A crater is left from the pod; people are panicking, yet curious to the strange situation at hand. Out come the cannibals, attacking anyone in their path.
We follow the military of the year “2000” as they engage in battle with these mysterious beings, and come to discover how they fight them off and save the day.
Fade in:
Camera panning around the stars in space, following a meteorite shower flying past. We see it travelling towards the direction of Earth, and the Space Station adventurer.
Text appears on screen - “Coming to you sometime in the distant future...”
*music is big in nature, driving the shock of the scene into the audience*
Camera angle changes to see the shower of space rock flying towards the camera’s position, where we see the collision between the rock and the space station.
*music dramatic in nature/collision sounds as ship is bombarded*
The scene changes to chaos on the space station. The panic button is pressed, red alert lights flashing, alarms beeping and astronauts scrambling for their space suits.
*Music changes to a more typical science fiction style composition, yet invoking fear behind its deliverance. Musical score is to be quietened down in this moment to build suspense.*
Scene changes, cameras aimed towards space pods. We see space pods ejected and the camera follow them using a pan.
(Dialogue kicks in with text spinning into the scene – preview man)
“Horror, suspense and unbelievable events of things to come!”
Scene change: Space pods scattered across the sky over the City, we see one space pod come crashing towards the camera.
*Sounds of aircraft nose diving*
Camera angle change next to space pod, which is flying in a jerky manner struggling to gain control. Space pod makes impact, scene goes black.
Scene fades in. Pod opens up slowly *hissing sounds as the pod door opens.*
Text fly’s back onto the screen with Preview man speaking – “You won’t believe your eyes, when you see the frightful terror arise from the pod!”
Astronauts walk out of pod
*music becomes chilling*
Astronauts walking out of pod in a zombie like manner. Camera does sudden zoom into the astronauts to build a feeling of traditional 1950’s style “horror”.
We cut to a woman standing nearby the edge of the crater screaming with her hands on her head in horror.
*woman’s shrill scream over the top of the music throughout duration of astronauts appearance*
Scene cuts back to the astronaut slowly approaching, and then back to the screaming lady for a typical 1950’s suspense builder.
Scene changes to the army HQ – Generals office
Cut to the general answering the phone from the president to deal with the situation.
(Split screen of general talking to president)
President - “ General, we got a serious situation going here, I need your help!”
General – “Were on our way President, Sir!”
We see the phone slam down into its holder, text flys back in over the top
Preview man - “Who were these mysterious men possessed by the devil himself?”
Screen cross fades to show tanks charging to battle/soldiers preparing and then the zombie like astronauts walking around, still attacking innocent civilians in the street. Girls still screaming, dramatic music. Close up of Astronaut.
Text spins onto screen:
Preview man - “You would of never seen such pure, unimaginable evil!”
(Show a female screaming once again for comedic effect)
Cuts to a soldier shooting/Astronaut goes down *Gunfire sounds/chilling music suddenly increases in tension as the camera star wipes into a new scene.
Astronauts body layed across table – camera moves up to the Scientists startled face. Around the table, the General, President, Scientist and his sexy female assistant.
President “What has been eating my good people?”
Scientist talks “Its... its... a man... but like ive never seen before... because I cant see him...”
General “How do you mean Sir?”
Scientist “He is... (dun dun dun style musical interlude) invisible!”
(All look curious over the morgue table, with anxious expressions)
*shock/horror tone to music/over exaggerated expressions and camera zooms
Over the shocked faces of the scientist and general comes more text on the screen with the now familiar preview man voice narrating it in his posh tone:
Preview man - “They were a man eating, invisible force from beyond the stars!”
Scene shows the scientist opening the Astronauts visor. There's nothing inside. The characters around the Astronauts all pull back with over acted horror. Screen pauses and more text comes up. (in the background assistant whines in badly acted voice “Its all terribly frightful!”)
Preview man - “Fear them!”
Star wipe into next scene of Astronaut tearing their space suits off. Shocking musical score plays in time with their “scary” actions.
Astronauts - *make shrieking inhuman sounds
Soldier with gun looking on in fright, arms shaking - “Oh God! Aaaah! AAAAAAH!!! *screams”
Preview man – “How can you fight what you cannot see?”
(Soldier over dramatically acting like hes being eaten)
Back in test lab we see the Scientist doing his tests, behind him his female assistant curiously over looking the Astronaut. The Astronauts sits up and grabs the assistant. *The Astronaut makes evil growling sounds, girl screams in terror
*dun dun dun style interlude once again, music turns chilling
Scientist looks up, then looks around to see the attack.
Scientist - *gasps “Oh no, MILDRED!!!”
Scientist leaps for the attack still carrying his sketchbook, the girl still screaming in a poorly acted struggle to escape.
Scientist - “Take that you villainous baffoon!” as he swipes his sketchbook across the exposed invisible head of the Astronaut.
Text comes up over the screen with preview man speaking once again:
Preview man “Probably the most frightful film you will ever see”
The Astronaut passes out once again, the Scientist and his Assistant both embrace in a moment of cheesy on screen passion. The assistant then points out to the sketchbook now laying on the floor:
Scientist “Look! Its the answer to our problems!” (a diagram which shows how to destroy an invisible attacker) I say dear girl, were saved! Eureka!”
Cuts to short scenes of action/army fighting the invisible forces attacking them. We see the plans for the device being brought to life as soldiers use it against the cannibals. Explosion from an astronaut being gunned down ends trailer, with the text appearing over the top:
“The Day of the Invisible Cannibals from Beyond the Stars!”
(cut to the clip of the female screaming again at the end)