I spent an evening finishing the scientists face. I also took the plunge in UV mapping before getting the mesh checked by anyone else. Although mapping didn't take that long and I'm fine with doing it again if there is something seriously wrong with the edge flow. Having said that, it should be exactly the same edge flow as in the tutorial guy. The only difference is really in the amount of extra rings going right around the head under the ear from the nose. They were needed because his face is twice as long! The only other difference is that the chin has an extra extrusion. I felt that it made his chin more defined and blocky. This is all part of the style of the character.
And take away the hair...

So as we've all found out that the ear usually ends up with less texture space unless you separate it. Well you may see that it is slightly more even with the rest of the face, but it still connected.

Well that's because the hair is covering up this awful stretching at the back. Unless he's going to have hair made of glass, no one will ever notice! (although I did save a copy of it before I made adjustments to the ear, where the back of the head was more even. Just to be on the safe side.)
Well I need to get on with modeling the rest of him as well as the soldier.
A Flock of Pixels.
oops... I've fogoten his eyebrows!!!