Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Maya: Miniature Park Set Modelling

Having the metropolis miniature set done, I moved onto the next and last miniature model the park, once again based on a concept art I have done and story boards done by my colleague Ethan, I was  able to place the cameras and model the set around them. This set also features trees, although not firstly intended, I  have used paint effects customised with my own texture, so the tree is a customised cheap tree. also the models of the buildings are the same of the other set to build consistency in the metropolis design.


After Speaking to Ethan, he pointed that maybe the park should be a more enclosed setting, So I suggested to to bring the trees closer, although not looking exactly the Hyde park, the setting is perfect for our animation,.

Miniature Park Shot 1

 Miniature Park Shot 2

Miniature Park Shot 1

Miniature Park Shot 2

To come next the life-size park with life size trees needs to be assembled, and some quick environments for the pursuit scenes, apart from that set modelling is done and I'm off to texturing at last!


  1. Hey Ruben.
    All the sets so far are amazing, but this is the first time I've seen the park. For the purposes of the shot I really think this set is too spacious and flat. Obviously this is supposed to be Hyde park and I haven't ever been there, but are there any places with dense trees? Like in the story board, the crash happens in a smaller more enclosed area, dense with trees. The other thing to consider is the fake grass, which could be achieved well with paint effects or fur, or not so well with a texture. Either way, a vast open space is only more stuff to add fake grass to, or in the case of the life size park set, real grass. The park is my only concern as of now, but we can discuss this further on skype.

    Great sets so far! The Metropolis is exactly as the same as concept... perfect!
    : )

  2. ok ethan I may agree with you that the set is too spacious, but It is not flat at all. however it depicts hyde park, and hyde park is one of the biggest parks in the UK, (however it is just a portion of it in the shot). indeed it has a big open space by Oxford Street. I'm on skype now, we can discuss, But I think i will have to enclose the trees and maybe disperse them.
